Introducing the Global Environmental Justice Documentaries Project: a curated collection of 48 documentaries and teacher’s guides
These documentaries can be used in a wide range of subject areas, from Asian, environmental, and Indigenous studies to law, geography, anthropology, global health, policy, conservation biology, and more.
The films in the collection were selected by faculty from Whittier College, Yale, Bates College, Brandeis, and NYU who also wrote the teacher's guides. The project is designed primarily for use at the undergraduate level.
48 films for the price of 3. Thanks to foundation underwriting the collection is available for US$1195 for a three year subscription or US$495 for one year. Canadian institutions can request a 25% discount to help offset currency exchange costs. More titles will be added at no extra cost to subscribers.

Highly recommended.
Capturing ecological, social, and public health crises, these documentaries bring the neglected stories of marginalized communities to light.
Real, relatable people [are] portrayed within their diverse cultures and everyday lives as they are impacted by pollution, globalization, climate change, civil war, ecosystem loss, and corporate power...
...the films are insightful and will enhance students’ environmental literacy and inspire advocacy.
—ccAdvisor review by Sue Wiegand, Saint Mary’s College

Each film has a teacher's guide, which includes:
- Context & background information
- Suggested subject areas
- Selected excerpts for use when time is short
- Discussion questions and activities
- Supplementary resources
Initially focusing on Asia and North America, the GEJ project provides educators and students with an online collection of films that explore the intersections of human rights, environmental degradation, colonization, industrial development, and climate change.
Academic streaming by Docuseek includes:
- Video markup for class presentations
- Create custom video clips
- Copyright cleared
- Closed captioning
- Transcripts
This project is made possible by support from filmmakers and distributors, the Henry Luce Foundation, Whittier College, the Global Reporting Centre, and Face to Face Media. Your subscription supports this project. For info or updates please contact us at
10 New Titles Added
We are pleased to include 10 additional titles to the GEJ Collection: Youth Unstoppable: Another World is Possible, A Fierce Green Fire: The Battle for a Living Planet, Cooked: Survival by Zip Code, and If Not Us Then Who?, a collection of seven short films about Indigenous peoples from Brazil to Indonesia.
These films explore under-reported stories of the devastating impacts of discrimination as well as the positive efforts of communities coming together for environmental and climate justice.

With support from: