Under the Dome (selected excerpts)
Where time is short, teachers may choose to assign this 25-minute compilation of three selected excerpts or screen them in class. These excerpts focus on the contribution of cars and trucks to China's deadly smog.

Please see the main entry for Under the Dome for synopses, background, transcripts, reviews, discussion questions, activities and supplementary resources.
These three selected excerpts are highlighted on the film outline which is included in the teacher's guide.
Please see the main catalogue entry for this film for maps, synposes, background, discussion questions, transcripts activities and supplementary resources.
Please see the main catalogue entry for Under the Dome for credits and awards.
Distributor credits
Please see the main catalogue entry for Under the Dome for credits and awards.
Docuseek subjects
Citizenship, Social Movements and Activism
Asian Studies
Communication and Media Studies
Film and Video Studies
Journalism and the Press
Environmental Law
Human Rights Law
Toxic Chemicals
Philosophy, Critical Thinking and Ethics
Business Ethics
Global / International Studies
Government Policy
Health, Healthcare, Medicine and Nursing
Environmental Health
Maternal and Child Health
Public Health
Fossil Fuels
United Kingdom
North American Studies
Occupational Health and Safety
Distributor subjects
Asian Studies
Communications and Media Studies
Environmental Education
Environmental Health
Environmental Justice
Global Issues
Health and Health Care
North American Studies
Occupational Health and Safety
Public Health
Toxic Chemicals
Toxic Waste
United States
Youth and Family
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